Marine Series
Twelve fish
oil on plywood panels
81 x 81cm
Picture selected for inclusion in the Stan and Maureen Duke Gold Coast Art Prize 2009 exhibition, Surfers Paradise from 12 December to 14 February 2010
Exhibition Displacement
ANCA Gallery 22 October – 2 November 2008:
Displacement was an exhibition which highlighted the bizarre, the beautiful and the fragile aspects of the oceans. It operated as a vast Wunderkammer or curiosity cabinet and emphasised the importance of the oceans both in an aesthetic and intellectual sense, and to remind us that we belong to a vast, living planet that is incredibly beautiful, terribly fragile, and at times quite bizarre.
Through paintings of still life, fish portraits and sponge, I used my status as artist to act not only as a privileged interpreter of nature but as an inventor. To achieve this many of the works were distorted and exaggerated to emphasize the sometimes quirky nature of the world beneath the sea. The works aimed to excite curiosity to the diversity of our oceans and the life therein and to enlist help in their protection.
Fish portraits
Spotted Fish selected for inclusion in the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize exhibition, 2008.
Highly Commended.
South Australian Museum, September 2008.
National Archives of Australia, November 2008.
Spotted fish
oil on plywood
30.0 x 39.5cm
Ten fish
oil on plywood
80 x 120cm
oil on plywood
60 x 59.5cm
Deep Sea fish
oil on plywood
x 39cm
Specimen fish
oil on plywood
29.5 x 39cm
Pig Face fish
oil on plywood
29 x 39cm
Blue Box fish
oil on plywood
29.5 x 39.3cm
Dragon fish
oil on plywood
29 x 39cm
Cow fish
oil on plywood
29 x 39cm
oil on plywood
29 x 39cm
Naked Sea Butterfly
oil on plywood
29 x 39cm
Angler fish
oil on plywood
29 x 39cm
Glowing Sucker Octopus
oil on plywood
29.5 x 20cm
The Talmas
oil on canvas
71 x 71cm
oil on canvas
40.5 x 41cm
Shell Collection 1
oil on canvas
46 x 46cn
Shell Collection 2
oil on canvas
46 x 46cm
Midden Shells
oil on canvas
each 15 x 15cm